
 Jiwon Seo

Associate Professor

Machine Learning Systems Lab.

School of Transdisciplinary Innovations / Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) / Interdisciplinary Program in Artificial Intelligence (IPAI)

Seoul National University

Email: lastname firstname @ snu.ac.kr (seojiwon)

Tel: 82-2-880-8089

Office: Bldg 18, Room 418


    Ph.D. Stanford University

    M.S.  Stanford University

    B.S.   Seoul National University

Work Experience

    Seoul National University (2025~): Associate Professor

    Hanyang University (2017~2025): Assistant/Associate Professor

    UNIST (2016~2017): Assistant Professor  

    Pinterest (2015): Research Software Engineer

    LinkedIn (2014): Visiting Research Scientist (Host: Sungju Cho and Swee Lim)

    Google (2006): Software Engineering Intern (Host: Guido van Rossum)

Open-Source Activities

    Python Contributor (2005 ~ ): Implemented generator expressions (PEP 289), keyword-only arguments (PEP 3102), and co-wrote the function signature object document (PEP 362)

    Hadoop Summit: Presenter (2014, 2015), Community Award Winner (2014).

Professional Activities

    Transactions on Computer Systems Reviewer (2024), VLDB Program Committee (2023--2026, 2021--2022),  WSDM (2021), SIGIR (2020), CIKM (2017)